Hi There!

I started this blog to document my various crafty creations = creating.  The blog kind of evolved as I decided to be more open about my struggles with infertility.  Even though my husband and I wanted to be parents more than anything, we soon discovered it wasn't going to be easy = waiting.  So, there you have it.  Me in a nutshell.  Creating While Waiting.

I am happy to report, that we were blessed through adoption with our little miracle baby boy on April 3, 2012!


My precious little one.  Oh so, oh so worth the wait.

So here I am.  Still creating (though a lot less often than I used to, because, let's face it, baby boy's dang kissable cheeks are way too distracting and require 110% of my attention most of the time).

Even though things are sometimes kind of quiet around these parts, I'm flattered that you would come visit my little nook in the blogoshpere where you are sure to find: tons o' pictures of my chubby baby boy and/or fuzzy puppy Lizzy and/or handsome husband Spencer, crafty creations, crafty disasters, the occasional melt-down, much discussion about infertility, much enthusiasm for adoption, and perhaps a laugh or two.  Thanks for stopping by!