Tuesday, August 18, 2009

See the Good: Pass it on

On my way to work I pass a couple of billboards that always make my day. This is one of them:

Sometimes, I will be driving to work wound up in my own schedule, or maybe even a little weary from the day-to-day of life when I will look up and see one of these billboards. They instantly remind me how many opportunities we have each day to make a contribution to the lives of those around us. I love that The Foundation for a Better Life sends messages of hope and optimism out into a world that so often focuses on the negative. There is good in this world, and lots of it. We just have to look to find it. You should check out their website here to see more of their awesome billboards. Be sure to check out the "good news" link. It's filled with inspirational stories from around the world that are happening every day.

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